Home Map Explorer Regional Variance Happiness Indicators Happiness Indicators by Region Feature Trend Happiness Interactions Countrywise Comparisons

                   Explore Hapiness in different ways

                   What is the key to Happiness? How does it differ around the world? Find out by exploring:

                   1. World Map Explorer: Gain a high-level overview of world happiness by country.
                   2. Regional Variance: Analyze average happiness by region and the variation of happiness across a given region.
                   3. Feature Importance on Happiness Score: Understand feature importance based on correlations between features and happiness score.
                   4. Feature Importance by Category: Identify feature by categories: Economy, Social Development, Safety & Health, Resources and Freedom.
                   5. Feature Importance by Region: Explore features grouped by the region and see, how a feature affects that region’s happiness.
                   6. Feature Trend: Visualize trends (positive, negative, linear, nonlinear) between a feature and happiness.
                   7. Happiness and feature interaction: Understand interactions between two features with happiness.
                   8. Country Comparisons: Search for various countries and see how they rank on each factor. Compare two countries against each other.

                   Creators and Happiness Advocates

                 Tanya Tandon                Naomi Kaduwela           Anjali Verma                 Kejin Qian